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Top 5 Things to do in Cancún, Mexico

Looking for a luxury getaway that won't break the bank? Cancún, Mexico is a destination paradise that you can enjoy on a budget. Spirit Air and Frontier both currently offer discount flights Cancún, and using the CodeshAIR browser extension can save you even more!

Cancún was built specifically with luxury travel in mind. This large vacation destination was built from jungle and pristine beach in just a little over a decade. Today it is one of the most visited destinations in the world, with more than four million tourists annually. What's the big draw? Virtually endless attractions and activities to do. From white, sandy beaches to impressive large coral reefs to explore and near-perfect weather, you'll never run out of adventure.

let's take a look at the top 5 attractions for you to enjoy this summer in Cancún, Mexico.

1 Visit Cancún's Beautiful Beaches

cancun discount beaches

Most of Cancún's luxury resorts are built with direct access to the beaches. You'll enjoy breath-taking views of sparkling, crystal-clear waters that make this destination so popular with tourists seeking an amazing Mexico vacation. Cancún, consists of a number of long stretches of beach, and while frequent visitors may have their preferences, it's certainly hard to go wrong with whatever you choose. They're all nice and have something great to offer.

Among the most popular beaches are de las Perlas, Juventud, Linda, Langosta, Tortugas, Caracol, and Chac-mool, some of them lying alongside the Boulevard Cancún and the Paseo Kukulkán all the way from the city boundary.

2 Explore The Mayan Ruins of Chichén Itzá

Mayan Ruins

You won't want to miss the chance to spend at least a little of your vacation time sightseeing at one or more of the larger Mayan ruins within reach of Cancún. One of the most popular day trips is to Chichén Itzá, three hours west of the beaches and one of Mexico's largest and best-maintained archaeological sites. Settled by the Mayans over 1,000 years ago, this UNESCO World Heritage Site includes many famous Chac-mool statues, along with several important buildings such as the 30-meter-tall El Castillo, one of the country's most famous pyramids..

3 Visit The Maya Museum

maya museum cancun mexico

Located in the center of Cancún, the city's large convention complex, the Maya Museum (Museo Maya de Cancún) is a top attraction that's certainly worth a visit to learn more about the region's rich history. This is the largest museum project since the opening of the Templo Mayor Museum in Mexico City in 1987, this wonderful attraction does an amazing job of displaying the ancient roots of the region's Mayan culture, from its founding centuries ago right up to the modern day.

4 Climb the Scenic Tower & Xcaret

cancun scenic tower

A must-catch activity while in Cancún is to make a trip up the Scenic Tower (Torre Escenica). A well known landmark in the hotel district due its height -at 110 meters tall - as well as its pencil thin base, the tower is a fun diversion for those wanting a bird's-eye view of the city, as well as its many beaches and the surrounding coastline.

The tower itself ispart of Xcaret, a unique mix of theme park and natural attractions. Given its 50 or so cultural and natural attractions, you can expect to easily spend a full day here exploring the many things this attraction has to offer. Highlights include water-based activities including a beach and lagoon, plus the chance to explore underground rivers, a coral reef aquarium, a folk museum, and performances of music and dance, an equestrian show, boat tours, and plenty of dining options.

5 Cruising to Isla Mujeres

Isla Mujeres

Another great destination that is closely associated with Cancún is the beautiful Isla Mujeres (the Island of Women). Located only 13 kilometers from the mainland and just a short hydrofoil ride from the pier at the convention center (Cancún Center), this long, skinny island is just seven kilometers long and 650 meters wide and is particularly popular among surfers for the larger waves that can be found on its east coast, while divers love the abundant marine life surrounding the large amount of coral reefs of Garrafon Natural Reef Park.

With so many wonderful things to do, it is easy to see what makes Cancún a top destination for travelers. Ready to make that leap? can help you get there. Download the CodeshAIR browser extension for all major browsers today.

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